Hello, Neighbour!
We challenge you to take these four small steps and make a big local difference.
Here's how help!
Be A Neighbourhood Hero!
Offer support to your neighbours to keep community spirits up! By doing so you’ll encourage your neighbours to do the same.
Download our Hero Cards to offer support from a safe distance!
Help Others!
Local not-for-profits are most needed in times of crisis.
Show your support and contribute to a great cause!
Lethbridge Food Bank
Support Local Businesses!
Local businesses hire locals and use a lot of local goods and services. So each dollar spent locally has eight times the economic impact!
Things that are open is another online directory that allows business owners to inform you on how they’ve changed their business model to serve you during the crisis!
Recruit More Heroes!
Your actions inspire others! Get on social media and challenge your friends to do what they can to help.
We’re all in this together!
Don't forget to use a campaign tag!
That's all there is to it!
Look at what we were able to accomplish together!
Not Impressed Yet?
Don't worry, We're just getting started!
Help us do some good! Share the campaign:
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